Why join GPMS?

  • You will have access to all GPMS events
  • You will have access to support and collaboration resources in GPMS
  • It’s FREE
  • GPMS financing depends on the number of participants so by participating you are contributing to building a new program for PhD students in the medical sciences
  • You will be part of a community of PhD students
  • You will get more out of your PhD program

The GPMS program


The main function of GPMS is to organize educational and social events for enrolled students. This includes seminars, keynote speaker events with international experts, short courses, and an annual. The aim of these events is to expand the educational and networking opportunities of enrolled students and support student progression through their studies. Furthermore, the aim is to increase the social integration of students in the field and to promote a culture of cooperation and research excellence.

©Kristinn Ingvarsson
©Kristinn Ingvarsson


Another function of GPMS is to support enrolled students in navigating through their time at the University of Iceland through scheduled events and direct communication. GPMS provides support to enrolled graduate students and provides guidance for prospective students, encouraging enrollment in research-focused graduate programs. Furthermore, GPMS seeks to integrate clinical training and graduate studies in the medical sciences. In that role, GPMS acts as an intermediary between clinical training programs and the university, ensuring equal access and the quality of integration.


Through collaboration with other disciplines within the University of Iceland, in particular the graduate program in molecular life sciences (GPMLS), GPMS provides a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration. As part of this, GPMLS and GPMS organizes regular joint events with Icelandic and international speakers as well as a regular social event with the aim of identifying potential interfaces of students research projects and create opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.